Having a proper network coverage everywhere is one of the biggest challenges for road warriors, especially in developing...
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How To Use Data Saver On Google Chrome?
Did you know that you can easily install data saver for Google Chrome which can save you in mobile bills? Here is how you can save data on Google chrome
Continue reading...Indian Men Did More Online Shopping Than Women in 2016
Most people think that women spend more time and money doing online shopping than men, well, if you are one...
Continue reading...How To View AMP Version of Websites On Google Chrome Desktop
AMP is a fast and open standerd built for mobile web. Here is how you can use AMP on Google Chrome Desktop as it will make web browsing much faster.
Continue reading...Facebook Live Now Han An Audio-Only Mode (For Face Shy And Podcasters)
Facebook has been focussing on live events since last year, the introduction of video streaming and 360-degree...
Continue reading...Now You Can Do Group Video Chats on Facebook Messneger
After years since Facebook Messenger was launched, the app finally added Group video chat today.
Continue reading...Thanks to some Ex-staffers, KickassTorrents is Back From Dead
Kickass has finally resurrected back from the dead by its ex-staffers who have been working since the site was shut down in July.
Continue reading...Facebook Reveals A Plan to Fight Fake News
After being criticized by many folks in media and by the general public, Facebook has revealed a plan to deal with the fake news problem.
Continue reading...You Should Try This Awesome WordArt Generator If You are a Kid From 90s
If you are old enough to have seen the 90s you must remember that back in the days; WordArts were a big thing and Microsoft Office was a king of word arts.
Continue reading...Only Geeks can Handle It: How to Manage Multiple Projects at the Same Time
Management of multiple projects at once may be tough, here are effective tips to manage multiple projects at the same time.
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