Google App for Android Now Supports ‘Offline Search’

google offline search

Having a proper network coverage everywhere is one of the biggest challenges for road warriors, especially in developing countries such as India. In its effort of making internet searches easier for people who have a crappy network connection, the search giant today revealed a new feature specifically for the Android version of the App.

Rather than forgetting about what searches you did when you were offline, the Google app now will save them offline and it will show you the result as soon as you connect to any network.

google offline searchBefore now, when you were in an area with no or little connectivity, the Google search app either showed an error page or just kept trying to load the result and once you went out to the home screen or any other app, the search was discarded. After the update, the app will keep your search query offline, and it will show you results once a successful network connection is established.

The results will be loaded automatically, so you won’t have to open the app repeatedly to check. There is a new ‘Offline Search’ tab in the Gooogle App too which can be used to clear or view these type of searches. Google also said that the new feature wouldn’t add too much into your data consumption, but it you will have to see it for yourself.

Offline Search is available in the latest version (v6.9.37) of Google App for Android and to get it on your Android phone; you will have to update the app from the Google Play store.

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