Should you stick to Evernote? If not than why and what should you choose? Let’s discuss some of the best Evernote alternatives you can switch to.
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4 Sure Ways to Make Windows 10 Boot Faster
Nobody likes seeing a loading screen before he can get something done, here are some of the best ways to make Windows 10 Boot faster on your computer.
Continue reading...How Much RAM Do I Need In Android Smartphone?
Can’t decide how much RAM your new Android Phone should have ? Don’t worry, just take a look at this guide and you will know how much RAM do you need.
Continue reading...Why ReadyBoost is Not Working (And How To Make It Work)
Many times. Windows ReadyBoost may not benefit you in performance , Here is why is it happening to you and how you can solve this.
Continue reading...6 Best Opera Mini Tips and Tricks That You Should Know
Love using opera mini ? You will love these Opera Mini Tips and Tricks that will help you in getting most out of the mobile browser.
Continue reading...What is Hibernate and How to Enable it in Windows 10
it is like normal sleep on steroids.
Continue reading...What Are Experimental Gmail Features and How to Use Them?
Experimental Features are some ways that call help you telling a difference between a computer geek and...
Continue reading...Damn It Microsoft, Here is How to Move From OneDrive to Google Drive
OneDrive was one of the best cloud-based storage for free until now when Microsoft announced that it...
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