Samsung Galaxy Note 7 May Soon Be Back From The Dead (At Least In India)

2017 02 21 17h18 48

Unless you have been living under a rock, you must remember Samsung’s Galaxy Note 7, a beautiful and functional phablet that ended up being discontinued after several reports of explosions came into the light. After the initial reports, the company announced a recall and started exchanging Galaxy Note 7 devices for free; the problem arose when replacement devices also started exploding. After the debacle, the company announced that all devices would be returned and the company will stop manufacturing the phone.

Well, it looks like Samsung is preparing to bring the Note 7 back from the dead.

A South Korean outlet Hankyung reported that the smartphone giant is planning to sell refurbished units of Note 7 with smaller batteries in developing markets such as India.

Samsung’s Note 7 is hard to be relaunched in US and UK due to a pre-announced ban on the phone from the government, but the phone could be sold in India and Vietnam.

After the recall, reports came out that Samsung has almost 2.5 million units in its inventory. While reselling these devices will surely make up for some of the company’s loss in profit, the decision of selling phones in inventory will also save company’s hassle of recycling all the 2.5 million units, which, could be a pain in the butt.

Samsung has been working hard in getting its credibility back with the launch of Galaxy A series, and from the leaks, it looks like the company is also working hard on its upcoming Galaxy S8. It will be interesting to see how these refurbished Note 7 units sell in Indian markets.

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