Instagram is now a lot Bigger than Twitter

instagram twitter

Photo sharing website Instagram is now bigger than twitter. Facebook owned company recently announced that it now has whooping 400 Million active users making twitter’s 80 million users look too small.

Growing Instagram

It took 3 years for instagram to achieve so high number of users on the internet. Unlike MySpace or Facebook, Instagram had to face tough competition from Twitter and Snapchat, both being good as photo sharing platforms. Instagram has proven that Facebook’s decision of buying the App focused Photo Sharing Network was not a mistake. Facebook paid 1 Billion Bucks to acquire Instagram in 2012. It also became one of the fastest growing social network since that year.

The Company  has already stated that more than 75% users are using it outside of USA. Since the rise of Instagram, Facebook has made itself the biggest social networking company in the world. Apart from Instagram which now has 400 Million users, Facebook also owns Whatsapp with 900 million users and the messenger with 700 million users.

It will be interesting to see how the twitter fights back in this war.

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