6 Things that Android Phones Can do, But iPhones Can’t

Android vs ios things that android can do bit ios cant

The war of smartphone operating systems is summed up to a clash between Google’s Android and Apple’s iOS during the last decade. Both giants had been regularly updating themselves to match the requirements of the new era. Android, on one hand, has expanded its multifunctional abilities to new horizons, iOS on the other has brought much flexibility to give an equal competition. While both have their pros & cons, iOS has its design and structure pretty much fixed and it offers far less personalization than Android that all users are aware of. However, there are few key differences that make Android a bit privileged still more.

Those 6 notable functions of Android are delights to its users that iOS does not yet provide. Moreover, what we are mentioning are not some die-hard techy stuff but key functions that every user needs someday.

6 Things that Android Phones Can do, But iPhones Can’t

True Multitasking

Multitasking in Android 7

Multitasking in Android 7.0

Most important facility Android by default provides is working simultaneously on two windows, and with Android 7 Nougat, this is officially a part of OS available on all Android phones. Though, it had been functional in many earlier Android phones too. Apple’s iOS has something similar for iPad, but for iPhone, users have to do without it. It binds them to one App at a time.

Call Recording

Automatic Call Recorder in Android

Automatic Call Recorder in Android

iOS has some complicated third-party apps for recording calls but that too is not hassle free. While on Android all it needs is to turn on Automatic Call Recorder and it gives you AMR files for all calls that you can manage whichever way you want.

Photo Syncing in Background

Google Photos can sync photos in Background on Android

Google Photos can sync photos in Background on Android

Apple has no APIs to sync the content in the background. Thus your iPhone cannot sync the photos with your cloud account while your phone is standing by, or is at charge. iCloud though can be smoother than other cloud account but that has limited 5GB storage and has a high cost if you want to buy additional. Google Photos on Android provides Unlimited backup for photos and it not only syncs your content in the background, you can also set it to only sync when it is standing by or charging.

Having Guest User Accounts

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With Guest Account and multi users account enabled, Android provides a Windows PC like facility with your phone. You can handover your phone to others with guest login on. All your data stays safe in your account while the guest can easily surf internet or play games seamlessly. iPhone has a strict no to multiple accounts. As soon as someone else can operate your phone all your data will be laid open to them.

Better Caller ID and Spam Filtering

Truecaller on Google Android

Truecaller on Google Android

Truecaller is the most popular crowdfunded directory to know the details of callers while ringing. With Android, it can privide full functionality but on iOS, you can at times see a spam caller identified only as spam. And with no multi windows available, it goes too hectic. Same applies for true-messaging where iOS prevent you from a better management of your SMSs.

Connecting to PCs and Macs Easily

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With only an Android phone you can get a plain USB connection to PC and an option to use your phone’s internal or external memory as a USB device. With iOS you have to install lengthy software (iTunes) and have to set up your apps to have it connected to your PC properly.

Owning to those 6 key features, looks like Android secures its position pretty ahead in functionality while iOS stands a neat second. What do you think? Share with us in the comments below…

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