Microsoft has Made PowerShell Open Source and It is Available on Linux

2016 08 19 18h05 17

In its mission of Making developers more interested in Microsoft, the company has made PowerShell open source and is bringing it to macOS and Linux.

In case you don’t know, PowerShell is a Command line based scripting language and Shell. It is built on Microsoft’s .NET framework. PowerShell is used to run and manage system tasks.

Microsoft Windows PowerShell

Windows PowerShell

In the announcement blog post, Jeffrey Snover wrote:

Microsoft wants to earn customers’ preference as the platform for running all their workloads – Linux as well as Windows.

The source code will be available in MIT license, meaning anyone will be able to see and modify the code as per his needs. Additionally, Microsoft is also porting the PowerShell editor to Linux so that it can be added to text editors for programming.

Apart from that, Microsoft has also made a free Virtual Academy Online Course in case you are interested in learning about it.

After Satya Nadella becoming CEO of Microsoft, the company has worked quite bit in the right direction and it has taken many steps in making OSS users happy. This includes open sourcing its .NET framework and adding Bash support in Windows 10. It’s good to see that Open source community will get to play with PowerShell’s source code.
