Ever since Reliance Jio launched in India, the crowd of cheap, LTE enabled Android phones has grown significantly. Micromax, a well known Indian Smartphone brand just launched a new phone that costs 3499 Indian Rupees. Mahesh Telecom shared the image of phone’s retail box on Facebook. The phone has a 4-inch screen and probably the Best thing about this phone is 4G VoLTE compatibility and android marshmallow 6.0 that make it superior from most smartphones in this price range. Following are some other key features that you should know about it.
- RAM:512MB
- Internal :4GB (Expendable up to32 GB)
- Cameras: 2 mp rear camera with LED flash and 0.3 mp front camera
- Processor: 3GHz Quad core
- Processor: Speadtrum sc983
- Display : 4 inch WVGA
- Resolution 480*800 pixels
- Operating System Android Marshmallow 6.0
- Battery 1300 mAh
- Network supported : 4G volte
- FM Radio :available
- Bluetooth: v4.0
- Wifi:11 b/g/n
- Gps: supported
It is available only in gold color, therefore, users don’t have a choice. Comparing and reviewing this phone to other high-end phones, like the Lenovo K6 is not fair. And from the looks of it, everything sounds acceptable apart from the amount of RAM. As we have discussed in past about RAM requirements on smartphones, it’s a good chance that the phone will be too slow to be used as a good daily driver. I think it would have been betted if Micromax added some more RAM for some additional price.
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