30 Year old Torrent Site KickassTorrent was taken down after its founder Artem Vauin was arrested in Poland.
It is hard to say about what will happen with the founder of KAT, but KickassTorrent has been helped to make its way back on the internet.
IsoHunt, a website that helped ThePirateBay in past, has successfully hosted a working Mirror of the sire at a new address kickasstorrents.website

Mirror of KAT
The mirror features almost all uploaded data from last year to year and a half, however, users wont be able to use the forum, community and support on the new site. The mirror looks Identical to the original version of site and functionality is also the same.
It’s not perfect but if users need to save and archive something it’s time
That’s not all from IsoHunt
The IsoTeam has also supported Vaulin by linking its post to a Change.org petition Titled “Free Vaulin”, Granted that the petition can’t do much for KAT’s founder but because the sentiment is nice, it wont hurt Vaulin either.
Our freedom is to share the human right which Artem Vaulin has been providing to millions of users from all over the world. By arresting him our rights are violated.
-iso hunt
Now that KAT is restored within a few hours, it is sure that fighting against Piracy is very, very tough and Torrents are going to continue to be the biggest weapon for pirates.