After forcing users to Install Messenger on their smartphones to send messages, you will need moments app to sync your photos to the social network.
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Google Photos Now Supports Shared Albums
Simply called shared albums, they make it easy to collect photos and videos from relatives and friends
Continue reading...Cheap Calling App Ringo Blocked By Mobile Operators
What to do if you are a mobile operator and you see an app doing a better...
Continue reading...How is The World of Videos Changing
The video has changed the way we entertain ourselves, and industry of Video is also changing. Starting from some Video rental stores, we are now watching Most of our Video content on The internet.
Continue reading...Hiver Want’s To Help You in Email Collaboration (and It Works)
Hiver is an email collaboration platform which is focused of making Gmail better for task assignment and enterprise email handling.
Continue reading...What Are Experimental Gmail Features and How to Use Them?
Experimental Features are some ways that call help you telling a difference between a computer geek and...
Continue reading...Facebook Will Help You in Ignoring Your Ex After Breakup
Breakups can be painful, Now Facebook is here to help users in recovering from them. The social giant is adding options in the App and website to help ignoring your Ex on your timeline or profile.
Continue reading...Damn It Microsoft, Here is How to Move From OneDrive to Google Drive
OneDrive was one of the best cloud-based storage for free until now when Microsoft announced that it...
Continue reading...Facebook Wants You to Listen Music in Facebook App
Facebook want you not to leave the app, even for buying or listening music. The social network...
Continue reading...What Kind Of Facebook User Are You?
The programming behind Facebook may be hard but it is easy to classify users into categorise. Some are gamers, some are stalkers and some are the promoters.
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