Finally, Chrome OS and Google Android are Getting Married

android is merging with Chrome OS

Prepare yourself for the marriage reception in 2017.

Google’s Chrome OS and Android both are strong evidence that Google can make some serious software. According to WSJ, Google is planning of merging both software platforms by 2017.

Android is the current biggest mobile operation system and it holds the largest user base. However, Chrome OS which is used in Google’s Chromebooks has not done so huge impact on Desktop OS market share. After merging both the Operating Systems, Google hopes to make a strong platforms which will be taken seriously on Desktops and Laptops too.


Although, Google Chrome OS and Google Android are going to merge, you don’t need to worry about Google’s Chrome Web Browser. It will be kept intact and the company will continue to work on this product. Also it is being said that Chrome OS wont be killed off completely, Laptop makers will still be able to install it on laptops.

Engineers at Google Inc. will contribute to Google Chrome OS but the main attention will be on The new OS that will merge Android and Chrome OS.

Why This Matters?

Google has tried very hard to make people jump to Chromebook bandwagon but even after all the efforts, Chromebooks were just able to become a product for niche audience. On the other hand, Android has turned itself into a money making machine for Google.

The biggest problem with android is that despite being optimized for large screen tablets, it still feels that this is an OS for small screen. On the Chrome OS side, the disappointing adoption definitely has a few good reasons. The biggest one on them is too much dependency on the internet connection.

android is merging with Chrome OS

Chrome OS is good and fast, but it is still too dependent on Internet connection and there are still not many good web apps that can replace desktop grade productivity software. Due to the lesser user base developers are not so interested in making serious full blown software for Google Chrome.

Google tried to reduce the app gap by making it possible to run several android apps on Chrome OS.

Merging both platforms makes sense for Google. It will result in a perfect software platforms that will be able to run android apps on full blown Laptops and if Laptop and desktop user adapt Google’s new OS, it will result in increased market share for Google.

What do you think about Google’s decision of merging Android and Chrome OS? will you but a laptop that is mix of Android and Chrome OS? share with us in the comments below.

Image Credits:  John Baer on Flickr, Maurizio Pesce on Flickr

