Remember using floppy disks to boot Windows? It was time-consuming and slow, Hard Disk Drives (HDD) arrived after a few years and changed the way how we store our data for forever. These were very expensive at their earlier days and could store only a handful of data in their rotating plotters. Time went on and now a days you can get a decent 1 TB Hard Disk at almost 50 Bucks. Solid State Drives (SSDs) have been around for almost couple of years and they have proven to be better on performance than traditional older-Hard Disks.
What is Solid State Drive and why it is different?
Solid State Drive or in short SSDs are a replacement to HDDs, in place of using rotation spindles to store data, SSDs use a static NAND flashes to store data. This results in faster data transfer rates and due to its static nature it saves energy because there are no parts moving. HDDs are good source of heat for a laptop or desktop because of their rotation parts SSDs are better at having the temperature low.
Where is SSD better than Hard Disk Drives
Solid State Drives don’t have any movable part, instead they have Stable Memory Card type storage, due to this they are cooler then Hard Disk Drives this helps in keeping temperature of PC low. Solid State Drives are much more faster than traditional Hard Disk Drives in speed. A good Hard Drive can give you speed of almost 100 MB/sec whereas an entry-level Solid State Drive can give you a speed of almost 200MB/sec this results in a blazing fast performance of PC. PCs which are using a SSD as their Operating System drive boot and shutdown much more faster.

HDDs are slow due to their moving parts.
Go for a HDD if…
Low Price and Plenty of Storage space are the two things good for Hard Disk Drives, HDDs are a cheaper than SSDs and for the same price they can hold a lot more data than SSDs. If you are looking for a solution to store a lot of Data, HDDs offer a lot better Price per GB ratio.