Google is Opening a MadeByGoogle Store in Lower Manhattan

madebygoogle google store

Even in the age of e-commerce where you can get electronics and get them directly delivered to your doorstep, Google has realized that traditional stores still hold their place and this is why the search giant is opening a retail store in Manhattan on the 20th of this October.

The store will be located in 96 Spring Street and in the store, the company will showcase all of its hardware in its full glory. Just like Apple and Microsoft do with their own stores.

After the recent launch of Pixel Phone, Google WiFi and Google Home, the company has enough hardware to justify having a physical store of its own. However, it is not the first time Google is betting on a physical store, when the company was experimenting with now dead Google Glass, a series of stores were opened on cities like London, New York and San Francisco.

There is no word about if company will be opening other store or if Google will be selling products from other OEMs (Microsoft does)

Google has a large enough lineup of hardware products that includes Chromebooks, Tablets, phone etc. it will be interesting to see how Google’s new store does.

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Done reading? now watch this hilarious video mocking Pixel Phone…
