Facebook is Killing Photosync And Wants You To Install Moments App

Facebook moments is killing facebook sync

Facebook is trying to make sure that It has more than 1 icon in your app drawer. After forcing users to Install Messenger on their smartphones to send messages, you will need another app to sync your photos to the social network.

In case you don’t know, Photo syncing in Facebook is a neat feature that lets you upload all photos on your smartphone into a private album. This all happens in the background and after the photos have been synced, you can edit and share the photos with your friends on the social network.

Until now it all was possible within the Facebook app, however, as the TechCrunch reports, you will need to install Facebook’s app called Moments to do that in near future.

Moments is an app by Facebook that makes it possible to share photos privately with your Facebook friends. The app is available for iOS and Android and it is one of the most downloaded apps by Facebook.

facebook moments

It should be noted that Moments is not available in EU because of Privacy Laws related to facial recognition so it is possible that the sync feature will live in the official Facebook app just the way it is right now.

Why is Facebook doing that?

This step is quite bold and Similar to Facebook’s act of ripping off Facebook Messenger from the Core app. After the Messenger was made a stand-alone app, it has been downloaded millions of times and it ranks among the top 5  free apps in App Stores.

With Moments, Facebooks expects that it will make Facebook’s presence in your phone stronger. Also, having Moments app installed in the phone will encourage users to share and sync photos with others.

Photos are one biggest reason of Facebook’s traffic and as the competition is emerging Facebook is taking this step to fight with it.

What do you think about Facebook’s bold step? would you be installing Moments app on your phone? Share with others in the comments below.
